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Korean musician Shin Hyuk debuts at #16 on Billboard chart top 100

News have came late that Korean musician Shin Hyuk has gone up to the #16 spot on American music Billboard chart and his debut song ‘Robot’ released in 2004 has also gained much interests lately.

Shin Hyuk, who is both a singer and composer, wrote on his minihompy previously in October, “Finally my childhood dream Billboard dream has been fulfilled. I debuted at #16 on the Billboard top 100. The truth is that even as I am typing this, my hands are trembling.”

Shin Hyuk has co-produced the song ‘One Less Lonely Girl’ with Canadian singer Justin Bieber and the song has gone up to the #16 spot on 24th October on Billboard.

And netizens have also gone up to Shin Hyuk’s minihompy to congratulate him. With that, there has been much interests on Shin Hyuk’s Korean singer debut album ‘Soar’ released in 2004.

Shin Hyuk did not get much interests with his singer debut in 2004, after that he went to the States as a producer.

Shin Hyuk wrote on his minihompy, “Actually I was promoting as singer 5 years back but I left Korea wanting to be a successful Asian producer in the States. But I was in doubt if I will succeed, and thanks to the people around me who had encouraged me along until now.”


Shin Hyuk’s singer debut 5 years back

20 Responses

  1. I think he should help Big Bang and 2NE1 to debut in the States. Their hip-hop genre and personality would definitely appeal to the people there. I’m not Big Bang and 2NE1-bias, in fact there are groups which I idolize more like Super Junior and SHINee etc etc, but if you were to talk about which K-pop groups are ready and suitable to debut in the States — They are inevitably Big Bang and 2NE1. IMO at least. πŸ™‚

    • I think if 2ne1 and maybe Big Bang (to a lesser extent) came to the states.. People would laugh at them. Not trying to hate, just straight up.

  2. […] Shin Hyuk, the producer of Justin Bieber, met with Teen Top. Shin Hyuk is the producer of Justin Bieber’s Billboard hit single ‘One Less Lonely Girl’ and he had met with Teen Top to help with the producing of their album. […]

  3. OMG O___O

  4. i listen to this song everyday on the radio..

  5. I actually like the song. Lol.

  6. he is not listed as a producer for song on the allbum
    i do not see his name, unless he goes by an English name here.

    • instead of shin hyuk his name is listed as hyuk shin. universal have his name listed on youtube

  7. as much as i hate justin bieber, good for shin hyuk (:

  8. it’s good for him
    I hope he can shine together with WG in US

  9. anyway how can people pass that hottie down like that. tsk tsk πŸ˜€

  10. He didn’t debut on Billboard. Billboard goes by the artist not the producer.

  11. It’s not surprising since the kid is already popular on youtube even before Usher got him on his label. Justin is talented but already quite arrogant/conceited at his age. Anyway congratulation to Shin!

  12. OMG! wow! this is so interesting.


  13. nice job is this justin bieber is like the aaron carter of the 90’s

  14. can he produce for 2PM, BIGBANG, and 2ne1 in hollywood? lol..he should help his fellow korean artist! πŸ˜›

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